Monday, July 24, 2006

The foot fetish

The foot fetish is the most common of all fetishes, so common, in fact, that it should probably be considered part of the "norm." Humans may very well be predisposed to eroticizing feet because feet have apocrine sweat glands... the same type of pheromone-producing sweat glands shared by armpits and the genital region. These smells play a huge role in sexual attraction for most mammals and humans are no different. It's quite possible that when proto-humans walked on all fours in the African veldt, foot odors were used to mark our paths and indicate our health and sexual availability. Unfortunately, in our culture feet have become taboo -- they symbolize dirtiness, animalness, ugliness and all of the things that we must keep under control and keep invisible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.